Diaphragm pumps find application in all cases where the capacity to transfer thick liquids, containing abrasives or solid bodies in suspension, is required and a high flow rate and discharge head are not necessary.
The main fields of application are listed below.
Municipal services: draining of excavations during repairs to waterworks and sewers, emergencies, etc.
Building industry: draining of excavations, cleaning of wells, pouring of bentonite slurry, etc.
Marble industry: pumping of circulating water and settled mud, etc.
Food processing industry: pumping of tomato pulp and waste, fruit pulp and juice, jam, "polenta" (maize porridge), sugary solutions, etc.
Zootechnics and Farming: pumping of blood and slaughter waste, liquid feedstuffs, fertilizers, etc.
Water treatment: pumping of sludge, milk of lime dosing, dye-works water, etc.
Naval industry: draining of bilges, evacuation of sewage, cleaning of tanks, etc.